Using Cookies :
In cookies all the worthy and personal information is being stored that can be used for proper usage of certain features of himalayan university. If you are using Himalayan University's website on regular basis then several text files may be get store in cookies that can be used further. Thus, you may or may not use these cookies send by Himalayan University when open out website in your browser. Refuse or ignorance of this functionality will disallow you to use certain areas of Himalayan University website.
Information Gathering:
Here, university can use IP addresses and other network of varied destinations and visitor's region while checking and gathering of worthy information in respect of website's traffic and to analyze the behavior and interest of the loyal visitors of the website.
Individual Accounts:
Individuals are solely responsible for the restricting access to their account, password and confidentiality of their accounts. Himalayan University website allow individual to create and maintain their account where they accept their responsibility in respect of all the activities connected with their accounts.
Third-Party Linked Sites:
Himalayan University includes third party links where the university is not liable or responsible for any loss by the use of third party links.